The Lion King
Disney’s The Lion King is an award-winning musical that has entertained audiences all over the world. Based on the incredibly popular 1994 animated hit movie The Lion King, the live-action musical continues to take production values to new heights in every city the tour visits. Featuring music written by Elton John and lyrics by Tim Rice, The Lion King is an incredible theater experience, whether you see it live on Broadway in New York or any other city. Buy your tickets now and you will not regret it.
The Lion King is a timeless performance featuring music that your whole family will love. No matter who you are, you’ll be singing along to “Hakuna Matata,” “Circle of Life,” “Can You Feel The Love Tonight,” and other great, catchy tunes that you won’t even know you remember! Let Simba, Mufasa, Rafiki, and of course, Timon and Pumbaa take you on a journey you won’t ever forget.
It’s not just for kids, this production is astonishing. With magnificent costumes, incredible set design, and absolute best in the world stage technologies, tickets to a Lion King show is bound to entertain even the most skeptical show-goer! Make sure you buy your tickets now, reserve your seats, and don’t miss out on the highest-grossing stage show in history. Yes, you read that right - history.